Monthly Archives: December 2011

Winston Churchill on Intoxication

Bill Cosby on Advertising


Cervantes on Consequences

Bono Vox on Art

Egyptian Hot Wax

President Obama openly embraced the Arab Spring as a Moment of Opportunity for  hope for change and likened the uprisings in North Africa to be like America’s Civil War to end slavery or ensure Civil Rights.  Now the world can witness the harvest from the fruits of Islam.

The Obama Administration watched and did nothing as street uprisings overthrew Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarack in February as part of the Arab Spring.  Rather than help an autocrat who had been favorably disposed towards American interests and kept stability in the volatile region, President Obama threw Mubarack under the bus to hope for change.  Mid East experts predicted that if an early election was held, the Muslim Brotherhood would be a powerhouse as they were the only nascent political group that was well organized.  Not surprisingly, Islamists took 70% of the vote in the second round of parliamentary voting.

Now that their fundamentalist power base has been confirmed, Salafist politicians are poising to turn their rhetoric into reality.   Members of the Nour (the Light) Salafist party are making noise to put an end to idolatry in Egypt as epitomized by the Pyramids. To that end, the Nour party proposes destroying the Giza Necropolis , built for the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt by slave labor quaffing a beverage akin to Ta Henik beer.

Rather than simply destroying these World Cultural landmarks,   Nour Parliamentary candidate Abdel Moneim Al-Shahat suggested getting rid of the “rotten culture” by concealing the Giza Pyramids in paraffin wax.

READ MORE at my website

Pot Shots Between GOP Primary Candidates

Last week, Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA 6th) failed to qualify to be included on the March 6th Virginia Republican Primary ballot for lack of valid signatures.  The state of Virginia requires that a candidate submit 10,000 signatures from voters registered in the state of Virginia, and those signatures must include at least 400 from each of the Old Dominion’s 11 congressional districts.

In order to rally supporters after this setback, Gingrich campaign spokesman Mark Krull stated: “Newt and I agreed that the analogy is December 1941: We have experienced an unexpected setback, but we will regroup and refocus…[I]n the end we will stand victorious.” It is unlikely that legal challenges to include Newt on the primary ballot will be successful, considering the tight time-frame as well as clear but possibly onerous requirements.

Last week, Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA 6th) failed to qualify to be included on the March 6th Virginia Republican Primary ballot for lack of valid signatures.  The state of Virginia requires that a candidate submit 10,000 signatures from voters registered in the state of Virginia, and those signatures must include at least 400 from each of the Old Dominion’s 11 congressional districts.

In order to rally supporters after this setback, Gingrich campaign spokesman Mark Krull stated: “Newt and I agreed that the analogy is December 1941: We have experienced an unexpected setback, but we will regroup and refocus…[I]n the end we will stand victorious.” It is unlikely that legal challenges to include Newt on the primary ballot will be successful, considering the tight time-frame as well as clear but possibly onerous requirements.

As the primary race continued after a short Christmas break, Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) took a pot shot at Gingrich’s military metaphor.  Romney noted: “I think he [Gingrich] compared it to Pearl Harbor. I think it’s more like Lucille Ball and the chocolate factory.”  A funny one liner which gives homage to that classic I Love Lucy episode, but Romney might have some ‘splaining to do and he  should not expect a box of sweets from the Speaker for the foreseeable future.

This episode illustrates a couple of traits amongst the candidates.   READ MORE at my website.

Robert Fulghum on Children

Richard Epstein on Happiness

Lucinda Franks on Christmas

A Christmas Prayer

“We thank you for this place in which we dwell,
for the love that unites us,
for the peace accorded us this day,
for the hope with which we expect the morrow,
for the work, the health, the food
and bright skies which make our lives
delightful for our friends in all parts of the earth.”

~Robert Lewis Stevenson