Monthly Archives: June 2012

Hey DC- Reading Is Fundamental

Just remember, if you vote Democrat for Congress in November, you are electing a person of this caliber to head the House of Representatives. And your votes for President as well as Congress will determine who will sit on the highest court in the land.

h/t: Gary Varvel

An Amish Traffic Jam?

The incongruity of this Pennsylvania  Dutch traffic “pretzel” is certainly amusing.

Yet  it is also unintentionally iconoclastic, as it attacks Amish Grace, that laudable instinct of these deliberately simple people who have shown an enormous capacity for forgiveness.

The Amish demonstration of how forgiveness can transcend tragedy was strikingly evident in the Amish community’s reaction to the schoolhouse shooting in 2006 where five little girls were shot execution style and others critically wounded before the gunman turned the rifle on himself.  Fresh from burying their own children, the Amish  made up half of the 75 attendees at the SHOOTER’s funeral. They were present to give solace to the deranged gunman’s family as they too were victims of the tragedy. That outreach was only part of the story as the shooter’s mother cultivated relations with the injured victims’ families.  Most religions teach forgiveness but few put it into practice like the Amish.

So for all those who do not cherish a community that celebrates forgiveness and lives it even when it hurts–“Place that up thy butter churn!” 😉

Obamacare’s Revolutionary Malapropism

Considering Supreme Court Chief Justice John Robert’s taxing legal “logic” on Obamacare, we should be mindful of President Thomas Jefferson’s cautions about the Federal Judiciary.

Moreover, on November 6th, we need to our duty as citizens to fight against “Taxation with Misrepresentation” and protect our liberty. Remember, our Founding Fathers risked everything sparked by taxation without representation.

h/t: Bob Gorrell

Bob Dylan on Character



A Contemporary Road to Serfdom

As Dr. Zaius observed in the original “Planet of the Apes” (1968):

“The Forbidden Zone was once a paradise. Your breed made a desert of it, ages ago.”

George Burns on Raison d’etre

Winston Churchill on Courage

Carl Jung on Character

Confucius on Character

Buddha on Anger

Holding onto anger is like drinking 

poison and expecting the other 

person to die
