Category Archives: Aphorisms

Some of Sean Hannity Getting Hanoi-ed

Sean Hannity Has to Scoot to Cover President Trump's Summit in VietNam

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Thomas Sowell on Our Era

Thomas Sowell on Sanity in Our Era

Some of Thanks for Nothing AOC

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on Blocking Amazon's HQ2 in New York City

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A Bit of Donald Trump on the Boy Who Cried MAGA

President Donald Trump on Jussie Smollett - The Boy Who Cried MAGA

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Tulsi Gabbard on Hate Crime Hoaxes

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Jussie Smollott and Hate Crime Hoaxes

A Bit on “Young Turk” Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Young Turk Rashida Tlaib is ready to rumble in the Houe

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A Bit of George H.W. Bush on Heaven

President George H.W. Bush on HeavenSEE MORE at DCCalamity.US

Scott Adams on Nationalism

Scott Adams on Nationalism

A Bit of George S. Patton on the Object of War

General George S. Patton on the Object of War

Some of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez on Winning

Democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez complains that she doesn't have initial income to move to Washington DC after winning Congressional race.

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