Blog Archives

A Bit of Josh Earnest on a War of Narratives

Josh Earnest on a War of Narratives



Donald Trump on ISIS

Donald Trump on ISIS


Benjamin Watson on Prayers for Brussels

Baltimore Ravens TE Benjamin Watson on ISIS

Jonah Goldberg on Islamist Terrorism

Jonah Goldberg impeaches Obama on nexus of terrorism and Islamism

Donald Trump on Waterboarding

Donald Trump on Waterboarding

Intellectual Gymnastics to Avoid Uttering “Islamic Extremism”

DHS Chief Jeh Johnson avoids calling ISIS as Islamic

The Aspen Institute is a non-profit leadership organization which aspire to foster open-minded dialogue on contemporary issues.  Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson’s cautious comments about not associating ISIS (The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) with Islam showed that one can be so open minded that one’s brain falls out.

Of course, Johnson’s conceptual contortions about not naming radical Islam is nothing new.  Avoiding utterances that could be construed as blanket condemnations of the so called “Religion of Peace” (even though Islam is better translated is “Submission”) dates back to President George W. Bush after the September 11th 2001 terror attacks.  Western “leaders” have seemed congenitally skiddish about associating plethora of attacks with perpetrators shouting “Allahu Akbar” with Islam.

Is this reluctance to utter reality because our elites are indoctrinated in political correctness and employ a “real world” version of the UNH Bias Free Language Guide?  Maybe it is the progressive hubris that by changing the lexicon one can alter inherent attitudes.  Or maybe there is the realization that when implemented Islam is a holistic religious and political system and by associating the violence with the religion it enlists otherwise unenthusiastic adherents.

But as Sun Tzu wrote in “The Art of War”  in the Sixth Century BC “Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.”



Pamela Geller on the Jihad in America

Pamela Geller on the Jihad in America

Brad Thor on Lone Wolves

Brad Thor on Lone Wolves

Barack Obama on the Threat of Violent Extremism

Barack Obama on Violent Extremism

President Barack Obama met with leaders of CENTCOM and AFRICOM at the Pentagon prior to their appearances on Capitol Hill regarding a strategy to combat ISIS.   While the Obama Administration still has not detailed a plan to defeat ISIS/ISIL/DAESH, but the so called Leader of the Free World still had some thoughts on the threat of violent extremism.


So apparently, one whackadoodle who killed nine churchgoers in Charleston provides cover of equivocation for the numerous attacks inspired by proclaimed adherents of “The Religion of Peace” (or Pieces).

Surely, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin should have realized that it was better ideas and not force which defeats ideologies.

Can we solve the puzzle now Pat or must we wait until November, 2016?

h/t: Rick McKee

John Kerry on ISIS

John Kerry on ISIS