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Holy Shatner!

Considering that William Shatner starred in “$#!+ My Dad Says”, it is no wonder that he thought that it was a career advancement to do this music video.

At least “Captain Kirk” can embrace and profit from his Teppichfesser acting technique

Get A Life #OWS

Political Misfits observed that: We believe there are thousands of moms above age 50 who are trying to clean out their basements and change all their locks before Occupy Wall Street ends. Perhaps they need more than a jaunty jeremiad from Captain James Tiberius Kirk

Another Fine MessNBC You’ve Gotten Into

Last fall, MSNBC set a $2 million Lean Forward ad campaign that sought to cast MSNBC as the place for politics. Well, a year later and the ratings book is out. MSNBC scores quite low. Perhaps a TV test pattern or a Yuletide log would garner higher ratings.

The real TV geniuses working at 30 Rock fired firebrand (but popular) Keith Olbermann, and gave the Rev. Al Sharpton an evening show.

Considering its abysmal Arbitron numbers, inquiring minds want to know why Comcast wants to “Lean Forward” on the ratings road to no-where. But this presupposes ratings are the only factor. In years past, when G.E. owned NBC, the network that was proud of its peacock flacked for green concerns. This environmental interest ingratiated itself among liberal circles as well as being good for G.E.’s other business interests. But Comcast is a media business so consistently low ratings should be an anathema.

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The Prospects for Soap Streams

Today, ABC closes the book on the soap opera “All My Children” after 41 years on the air. Will this final broadcast be the end of stories stemming from Pine Valley, PA? Much like the last episode, this question ends with a cliffhanger.

In April, ABC announced the end of two thirds of its daytime soap schedule, cancelling “All My Children” in September in favor of “The Chew” (a show celebrating life through food) and axing “One Life to Live” for “The Revolution” (a daily show about health and lifestyle transformations) in January 2012.

ABC licensed the online distribution rights of “One Life to Live” and “All My Children” to Prospect Park Productions. Starting in January 2012, these soaps are expected to be produced and delivered to consumers online and also through emerging formats.

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Rethinking Eminent Domain Abuse

Americans used to revel in the notion that a man’s home was his castle, until 2005, when the U.S. Supreme Court redefined the employment of Eminent Domain.  In Kelo v. City of New London (CT), the High Court held in 5 to 4 ruling that the government can use economic growth as a permissible public use rationale for invoking the 5th Amendment Takings clause.  Previously, public use involved takings that benefited the whole public like bridges, roads and maybe sports stadia, not crony capitalists or governmental coffers. Susette Kelo was a homeowner who was evicted from her property by eminent domain as part of a comprehensive redevelopment plan spearheaded by Pfizer which promised  3,169 new jobs and $1.2 million a year in tax revenues. Ironically, after Kelo was ousted from beloved property, the redeveloper was unable to secure financing and the “blighted” area became vacant.

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Sadly, In The Little Pink House (written on the Kelo case) in which Justice Richard N. Palmer, one of the 4 judges who voted against Kelo on the Connecticut Supreme Court was present. After the reading, Palmer came up to Susette Kelo and apologized. He explained to her that if he had known what New London would do with the land, he would have ruled differently.

While this change in opinion at the time would have swayed the 4-3 margin and allowed Susette to keep her home, it does not change the circumstances now. Kelo was ultimately forced to leave her “little pink house” which was razed for “economic development” that never came .  Ain’t that America?

To Make  Eminent Domain more appealing, Lifetime casted Brook Shields as Susan Kelo for an upcoming tv film. Well at least Lifetime will air a film that hates “The Man” rather than it’s typical misandry.